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 "Just because others may have it worse doesn't mean you don't have it bad!"
I have a habit of indulging in extended metaphors, and one came to me last night as I was waiting for the meds to kick in and put me to sleep that you guys might appreciate.

So, we all have that dresser in our room with stuff on the top. Some of us keep it clean, some of us just pile stuff on, but we basically know what is there, and how to find things on it. When you have a chronic illness it is like someone is going around behind your back and messing around with the stuff on your dresser. Things are moved around or missing. It takes longer to find things - if you find them at all. For a while you can't even figure out if you are immagining it all. But deep down you know that something is wrong and hopefully you can get someone to believe you and help you figure out how to work through it. Or work around it. And sometimes someone comes behind your back and removes everything so it is obvious to everyone that something is wrong.

So, we all get up and try to find the energy to get through the day and do what we have to do, but sometimes that energy is missing. We have to spend all morning finding a matching set of earings so we can go out without looking lopsided. We learn that we can't live with extra stress - if we are people with lots of stress cluttering our dresser top we clean it out so it is easier to find the energy we need when we need it.

OK, this sounded really insightful in my head at midnight, but I don't know if I translated it well this morning. It is important to remember that just like you know what is on your dresser at home, you know what is going on in your own body. If something is messing around with it, you are the best person to know. It may take some time to find the proof so someone believes you, and you may never find out who/what is at fault, and you probably will have to do some personal decluttering to rule out other causes, but if you think something is wrong, then it might not all be in your head and there might really be something wrong.

Oh well, time to get back to my own decluttering. The non-metaphor messy dresser top upstairs is bugging me now :)





If YOU are interested in adding your story, e-mail me!  It can be in the form of an e-mail or e-mail with an attachment which can be open with Office Word 2007.  

The only requirement is that you use as many or as few words, you need to tell about your true, lupus diagnoses or overlap syndrome story.

Mail your essay!

Your story may also be published in the Lupus Home Pages Newsletter. 


Clear Glass Hand Pointing Left

If YOU are interested in adding your story, e-mail me!  It can be in the form of an e-mail or e-mail with an attachment which can be open with Office Word 2007.

 The only requirement is that you use as many or as few words, you need to tell about your true lupus diagnoses or overlap syndrome story.

Mail Your Essay!
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