In 1987 my history of Sjogren's syndrome, Raynaud's, pericarditis, angioedema, Hashamoto's thyroiditis, kidney problems and seizure disorder were no longer listed as separated disorders but finally after intensive tests by very good rheumatologist attributed to Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE).
The years of chronic fatigue and depressions the pain, loss of appetite, sleeping disorders, funny rashes, and being unable to see in sunlight and after dark now made sense had finally been niched and there were medications. What ailed me had been diagnosed there would be no more suffering with doctors who thought I was a hypochondriac. I've had a diagnosis.
I kept the news to myself.
I was studying for another advance degree. (I have a Theater and a MBA in Business.) My career was tracking upwards. I was local president of an organization preparing for a national convention.. I had made mention in "Who's Who in the Midwest and American Women" (a highschool dream). My family was progressing well through their lives and careers. I had a professional and financial programme that was working before this disease progressed.
But I was hit with a test of faith and character. In addition to Central Nervous System (CNS) involvement and multiple system necrosis,four years ago,Lupus traveled to my brain. I couldn't remember my way to work, home or the doctors. Language and numbers take vacations on their own. This I couldn't keep to myself and any agendas I may have had were trashed...
The neurologist now believes that there was damage resulting the current vascular dementia. Lupus also has effected my eyes. The SLE not the medicine.
Lupus does not care about dreams,hopes, finances or agendas.
While fluid was being removed from my heart and lungs, a physiatrist and physical therapist suggested computer graphic-photo reconstruction which has lead to web page construction. I'm rather proud of the cards and the family albums I do.
But the other day, when a someone said hello, I said "tomatoes' in reply. I don't dare carry cash or leave home without specific written directions to where I'm going (then I'm not sure where I put them). "Brain Fog" for me is not an inconvenience but a way of life but I'm learning.
Other Womens Health Issues
MiLady Knight's Construction
The Multiple Sclerosis Website.
The song I chose for this site is called
I chose it because having experienced and still experiencing a lot of what others with SLE are going through I wished to help, support, educate and be educated with sympathy and humor.
I chose it because I believe that those of us who suffer daily with the constant factors of a chronic disease have to laugh or let the world see us crying.
I chose it because as a part of the iVillage reality and
As knight of a new order...
I want to help it be O.K..
I hope you found my latest therapeutic dragon slaying enjoyable and informative.